Msc in Natural Resources and Environmental Management

MSc Courses

NREM 801:   Introduction to Natural Resources & Environmental Management – The course gives a general overview of the natural resources industry and environmental resources industry and environmental management.  It explores the nature of the inter-relationship between environmental systems and human systems, and examines the complexity of environmental policy, planning and management.  The course enables students to gain an appreciation of the complex and trans-disciplinary nature of environmental management issues and the inherent challenges in multi-disciplinary approaches to environmental management.  It introduces renewable and non-renewable natural resources and the issue of consumption and sustainability.

NREM 802:   Health, Safety, Environment and Corporate Social Responsibility – This course enables students to appreciate the issues of health, safety, environment and social responsibility of industries.  Companies are increasingly under pressure to address their social and environmental responsibilities.  Topics include, social, health and environmental auditing corporate social responsibility (CSR) reporting, engagement of stakeholders and communities, participation of civil society groups, advocacy and communication.

NREM 803:  Entrepreneurship – This course develops practical abilities and skills in entrepreneurship.  It examines the broad areas of entrepreneurial business creation and management and historical perspective.  Topics include: history and development of entrepreneurship theory, types of and characteristics of entrepreneurs, creativity and innovation, entrepreneurial process, feasibility study, business plans, pricing and bookkeeping, human resource management and marketing.

NREM 804:   Fundamental of Environmental Biology – The Course introduces students to fundamental principles of Environmental Biology including plant, wildlife, marine and fishery resources as well as micro-organisms in relation to the environment.  Topics include: habitats and management needs and tools; productivity patterns and stock dynamics; state of world wildlife and fishery resources and management; micro-organisms; microbial functions and activities in natural environments; microbiological methods and techniques, etc.

NREM 805: Fundamentals of Environmental Geosciences – The earth as a system (Geosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere) and its interactions.  Origin, structure and composition of the earth. The common rock-forming minerals, minerals and rock classification, rock cycle, elements of structural Geology (faults, folds, etc.).  Economic minerals, energy and fossil fuel resources.  Concept of plate tectonics and surface processes (Weathering, erosion, transportation and deposition).


NREM 806:  Environmental Chemistry & Toxicology – The course deals with the principles of environmental chemistry and toxicology, focusing on issues relating to the chemistry and toxic potential in the environment and their management.   Topics include: Basic concepts in soil chemistry and chemical properties, soil micro and macro nutrients, Biogeochemical cycle, Toxicity of oils and dispersants (including OBMs), Dose-response relationship, Quantification of toxicity indices, Range-finding tests, Probit analysis, Abott’s correction formula, applicability of toxicity data in risk assessment and environmental monitoring.

NREM 807:   Fundamentals of Economics and Project Costing/Analysis – This course provides a basic understanding of economic principles and its roles in natural resources and environmental management.  The course also explores costing techniques, methods and their practical applications as well as economics of ecologically sustainable development.  Topics include: market and non-market approaches, microeconomics, macroeconomics, supply and demand, Natural Environment and Human Economy, Resources Economics, Resource Scarcity, and Economic Efficiency, projects progress control and final cost, budgets and budgetary control, effective administration and management of contracts, competitive bidding, selection of successful bid, proper planning, documentation and execution of contract in the Nigerian oil exploration and production ventures.

NREM 808:  Fundamentals of GIS and Remote Sensing – The course introduces students to principles and applications of geographic information systems (GIS) and remote sensing.  It provides the basic theoretical, technical and analytical skills necessary to apply GIS to simple spatial problems.  Topics include: A review of analysis functions, selected advanced analysis, Modelling and flowcharting and Raster analysis GIS software package, data capturing techniques, spatial data and data models, cartographic techniques, GIS design and implementation as well as satellite imagery interpretation.

NREM 810:  Sustainable Development: Concept, Principles and Practice – Sustainable Development is the current broadly-endorsed framework for environmental management and the emphasis in this course is exploring conceptual and practical framework for environmental management.  Key topics include: development of the concepts of sustainable development and sustainability; Disciplinary perspectives/approaches (philosophy, economic, ecological, socio-cultural, governance health sciences etc.); Critiques of sustainability as a framework for environmental management; problems in practical interpretation and implementation of sustainability; Response to the sustainability framework by different levels of governance, corporations, professionals and International community.  Poverty and the environment, community participation in development, practice of sustainable development and environmental management in Nigeria.

NREM 811:  Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA, SIA & HIA) – This course provides an introduction to the wide range of “tools” used in environmental management and for environmental decision making.  Topics include:  interrelationship among Assessment; Environment and Development; evolution of Environmental Assessment; Procedures and steps in Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), Social Impact Assessment (SIA), and Health Impact Assessment (HIA); Public Participation; Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA); Policy formulation; risk management systems, etc. Effectiveness and challenges of contemporary EA practices.  Environmental Auditing and Management Systems.

NREM 812:  Ecosystem and Natural Resources Management/Conservation – The course introduces students to the inter-disciplinary nature of ecosystem management/conservation and natural resources (including forest, wildlife, aquatic, geological).  The complexity of managing dynamic ecosystems with on-going biodiversity changes.  Need to balance ecological needs with economic, political and socio-cultural demands.  Other topics include: threats to biodiversity; conservation genetic; wildlife population management; impacts of climate change; balancing stakeholder interests.

NREM 813:  Waste Management, Pollution Assessment and Remediation –This course provides a comprehensive, interdisciplinary knowledge of waste management, fate and transport of inorganic and organic pollutants in the subsurface and integrated site characterization and assessment for subsurface remediation of contaminated sites.  Topics include; waste management approaches, conceptual site models (CSM), Risk Based Site characterization, advection – dispersion theory, non-aqueous phase (LNAPLs & DNAPLs) in the subsurface, microbial processes, conceptual approach to soil remediation, integrating site characterization with selection of remediation methods, treatment approaches, treatability studies, preparation of remediation action plan, Bioremediation, monitoring and regulation of remediation standards.

NREM 815:   Water Resources Assessment and Management: The course provides a comprehensive knowledge of several concepts relating to Water Resources Assessment and Management.  Topics include: Concepts of sustainable water resources management and integrated water resources management, water quantity and quality, water use and demand including the value of water to the environment, irrigation agriculture and urban uses, water use efficiency and recycling, water policy and planning including principles of water reform, current developments in water policy and catchment-based decision-making.  Climate change and Water Resources Sustainability.

NREM 816:  Ecology, Biodiversity and Contemporary Issues –  The concept of conservation – historical perspective; biodiversity and business; Biodiversity Action Plans (BAPs) and parameters for the assessment  of biodiversity (Rapid Forest Assessments); Criteria for protecting an area; international coalition for biodiversity – UNCED 1992 and biodiversity, the convention on Biological Diversity (CBD); other international agreements and treaties on biodiversity conservation; Biodiversity conservation efforts in Nigeria (public sector and NGOs); forest and rangeland resources; wildlife and fisheries.

NREM 817:   Climate Change and Coastal Zone Management –  This course provides students with in-depth knowledge of concepts, policies, tools and techniques necessary for coastal zone management with emphasis on trans-disciplinary and large marine Ecosystems (LME) approaches as well as relevance of climate change impacts.  Topics include; global warming, climate change see level rise, overview of coastal zone management (imperatives, implementation and impacts); dynamics and processes along shoreline, coastal erosion, transport, deposition and resultant geomorphologic features; coastal zone anatomy (evolution, classification, characteristics and interrelationships with emphasis on the Nigerian coastal zone); Human-coast interaction (consequences, use-conflicts and costs); Coastal hazards; Mitigating coastal zone abuse; pollution, erosion and flooding; global warming and see level rise; ecological changes and conservation; coastal resource over-exploitation/mismanagement; population migration/displacement.


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