PGD in Natural Resources and Environmental Management


The PhD however have three (3) specialized areas or options in which candidates may carry out their research. These are:

  • Impact Assessment and Remediation
  • Bioresources Development and Conservation
  • Coastal Zone Management and Climate Change


NREM 700.1  – Introduction to Environmental and Natural Resource Management  (2 Credits):  Definition and components of the environment, definition and classification of natural resources; importance of natural resources, impacts and threats to natural resources availability, importance of environmental and natural resources management; Nigerian Environment and Natural Resources (Understanding the Nigerian Environment and factors that define it, type and distribution of natural resources, causes of threats/depletion of Natural resources in Nigeria).

NREM 701.1 – Entrepreneurship and Project Management (2 credits):   Principles of entrepreneurship and project management; project costing and analysis; contract sourcing and bidding; opportunities in the environmental and natural resources sector.

NREM 702.1 – Principles of Ecology, Biodiversity and Conservation of Natural Resources (3 Credits):   Basic ecological concept, ecosystem structure and dynamics, biogeochemical (nutrient)cycles, ecological factors and species distribution, the concept, value and distribution, the concept, value and distribution of biological diversity, threats and causes of biodiversity loss, extinction of species, principles and methods of conservation of biodiversity and natural resources, convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), Protected Areas System.

NREM 703.1  – Hydrology, Watershed and Coastal Zone Management (3 Credits):   Basic geology of Nigeria, Managing impacts on watershed and water resources and understanding the relationships among forest, soil, water, land-use, and people.  Management of wild lands watershed for control of the amount and timing of water yield, storm flow, water quality, erosion, and sedimentation (emphasis on forest and water resources management), integrated coastal zone management. 

NREM 704.1  – Principles of Sustainable Development in Management of Environmental and Natural Resources (3 Credits) :  Definitions and evolution of sustainable development (SD) concept, sector applications and practice of sustainable development, principles of sustainable management of environment and natural resources, role of business in SD, Environmental and Natural Resources Economics and Governance (Socio-cultural perspectives and models  for understanding human-environment interactions, Economic analysis of natural resources; economic principles in the management and use of natural resources, Governance  (Survey) and analysis of policies, Legislation, institutions, and processes relating to the use of natural resources); the ‘equator principle’.

NREM 705.1 – Impact Assessments and Environmental Laws/Regulations (2 Credits) : Meaning and types of impact assessments applicable in Nigeria:  EIA, EA, PIA, EER, Baseline Assessment, etc.: legal and regulatory basis of IAS, environmental components for assessment (biogeophysical, health and social), EIA report preparation, environmental management plan (EMP.) EMS, typical EIA. 

NREM 706.2 – GIS and Remote Sensing Application Natural Resources Management (3 Credits):    GIS and spatial techniques in environmental and natural resource management.  Spatial data structures, map projection, global positioning system.  How to create spatial data sets through GPS survey, Utilization of GIS software and performance of basic spatial analysis.

NREM 707.2 – Global Warming and Climate Change (3 Credits):    Understanding the basic science of global warming and, climate change evidence of global warming and climate change, likely impacts on environment and natural resources, current response and activities towards reducing human-induced climate change, international conventions on climate change; principles of carbon trading; green economy.

NREM 708.2 – Environmental Hazards, Risks and Management (3 Credits):  Major environmental hazards and risks (flood, erosion, desertification, wildfires, etc.), causes, impacts and management of these hazards and risks; geographical distribution and preponderance of these hazards in Nigeria.

NREM 709.2 – Environmental Health, Pollution and Toxicology (3 Credits):  Concept of environmental pollution, causes, sources, effects and control of environmental pollution, chemicals in the environment – fate and transport, basic ecotoxicology – types, sources and effects of toxins environmental toxins; health hazards or work environment, public health, modern ergonomics and industrial psychology.

NREM 710.2 –  Environmental Remediation and Waste Management (3 Credits) : Types and sources of waste; Waste characterization, Waste Disposal and Management Methods; Hazardous and Toxic Waste Disposal and Management – drilling wastes, radioactive and medical waste handling; Remediation – types, methods, principles and practice.

NREM 711.2 – ICT, Research Methodology and Anti-Plagiarism (1 Credit):   Basic computing knowledge; Internet Technology; Statistical packages; precision and accuracy estimates; principles of scientific research; concepts of hypothesis formulation and testing; and organization of research and technical report writing; anti-plagiarism checks.

NREM 712.2 – Research Project (6 Credits):   This is a supervised research intended to solve some identified problems and may involve some experiment, field work, statistical analysis or simulation studies.


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