PhD Courses

CGS 801 – ICT, Research Methods and Proposal Writing (2credits) –  Spreadsheets – Microsoft Excel, Basic computing knowledge/window 2008; Internet Technology; Statistical packages; precision and accuracy estimates; principles of scientific research; basics of PowerPoint Presentation; concepts of hypothesis formulation and testing; and organization of research and technical report writing.

CGS 802 – Management and Entrepreneurship (2 credits). – Business environment and bioenterpises; basics of business and financial management; entrepreneurship development; feasibility studies; marketing and managerial problem solving.

NREM 901 – selected topics in Natural Resources, Environmental Management and Sustainable Development (3 credits) –  Climate Change – Policy Response, Impact Assessment and Mitigation; Green Economy; GIS, Remote sensing and Modeling; Pest, Weed Control, Horticulture and Landscaping; E – Waste management.

NREM 902 – Advanced Natural Resources Stewardship and Environmental Advocacy (3 credits) – Environmental auditing and management Systems; national and international environmental laws, treaties, conventions and regulations; Public participation & Citizen group action in Environmental management; etc.

Elective Courses: 

NREM 903     – Recent developments in ecological issues and biodiversity conservation (3 credits) – Ecological footprints; energy development and biodiversity; integrating biodiversity considerations into impact assessment; biodiversity and risk assessment; biodiversity hotspots and early warning signals – environmental sensitivity index mapping.

NREM 904     – Contemporary issues in environmental Geoscience with emphasis on water Resources Assessment and Management   (3 credits) –  Integrated water resources management; Groundwater Resources Assessment and Management; Waste water treatment technologies; engineered sanitary landfills and solid waste handling; Ground water Risk Assessment and Remediation; Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM).

NREM 905 – Advanced environmental Management and systems (waste management, remediation and modeling) (3 credits) – Waste characterization, Waste Disposal and Management Methods; – Hazardous and Toxic Wastes; drilling wastes, radioactive and medical wastes etc.

NREM 906 –   Advanced environmental Toxicology and hazardous waste treatment. (3 credits) –Chemicals in the Environment; Fate and Transport; Contemporary issues on Environmental Toxicology – Systemic ecotoxicology, toxicity soils and dispersants (including OBMs), Toxins and fates of absorbed toxins; etc.

NREM 907 – Environmental Quality and Remediation (3 credits) – Key pollutants, environmental factors impacting the fate and transport or pollutant; effects on human health and ecology.  Green remediation measures.  Evaluation of chemical, microbial and phytoremediation techniques in clean – up operations.

NREM 908 – Environmental Forensics (3 Credits) – Tracing environmental contaminants back to their point of origin.  Methods of contaminants identification; This is important for the Niger Delta region which contains hundreds of Brownfield sites and their restoration/reclamation often involves public debate and law suits over the nature of contaminants on the site; identifying the party or parties responsible for those contaminants, and determining legal consequences and financial liability of the cleanup costs.

NREM 909 – Environmental Policy, Social and Management Impacts (3 credits) – Research in sustainability science and public policy and rural/urban development practices; Technical, economic, social barriers to the development of sustainability energy practices (e.g. solar, geothermal etc.) Constructing indicators and establishing models for monitoring urban systems; Enhancing sustainability, equity, and vulnerability reduction in communities and institutions.

NREM 908 – Research and Dissertation (9 credits) – This is a supervised advanced research intended to solve problems and will usually involve experiment, fieldwork, statistical analysis or simulation studies.


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